Congrats to these Cavaliers for showing off the CAV characteristics!
11 months ago, Danielle Adkins
Some of our mini Cavaliers starting their day out great and showing off those CAV characteristics! #greattobeaCavalier
11 months ago, Danielle Adkins
Families if you still need assistance getting connected to your student on the Rooms app here are some tips: Download the Jenkins app using the QR code. Follow the steps in the third image using your student's Magic Code. If you don't have their Magic Code contact their homeroom teacher.
11 months ago, Danielle Adkins
Tuesday's Positive Office Referral was Wesley Johnson. Wesley always gives his best! Keep up the good work Wesley!
11 months ago, Danielle Adkins
Check out these tiny Cavs displaying all the CAVS characteristics! Way to go Anakin and Rose keep up the good work!
11 months ago, Danielle Adkins
ESS has been canceled today @ the Burdine campus. We still plan to have ESS tomorrow weather permitting.
11 months ago, Danielle Adkins
January ESS Calendar Pick and Bow will be every Tuesday and will begin next Tuesday, January 16th.
12 months ago, Danielle Adkins
NTI Day 1 All students do have live sessions to sign into on Google Classroom during NTI Days. However, if they miss the live a recorded session will be posted. Teachers will discuss the daily assignments in the lives/recorded sessions. If you are having Chromebook issues or do not have internet access students have school 5 days to complete the work for full credit, so today's assignments are due next Monday. Students also have the option to complete the assignments during ESS. If students were not assigned a home Chromebook, please let their teacher know. Some students have not returned a home Chromebook form and have not been assigned a Chromebook yet. Do not hesitate to message teachers if you have questions. They are available on Google Classroom, via the Rooms app, email, or phone call to the school. Let us know any way we can help! The first day NTI can always be a little hectic. Technology doesn't always work as it is supposed to, so please reach out to the school if you have questions.
12 months ago, Danielle Adkins
Yesterday's positive office referral was Lana Depriest. She is always ready and very respectful!
12 months ago, Danielle Adkins
Just a reminder that Burdine campus has also transitioned to the Jenkins app for parent school communication. The Jenkins district app now offers class streams, class announcements, and parent-teacher chat. Look for your personalized invitation to begin using this feature in our app very soon. Download for Android Download for iPhone If you haven't accessed the Jenkins app lately you may need to make sure it is updated. The update allows you to access Rooms which is where the class streams, announcements, and parent teacher chats are located.
12 months ago, Danielle Adkins
Congratulations First Grade! They had the highest attendance at Burdine Campus today!
12 months ago, Danielle Adkins
We have had a great first day back! Congrats to today's Positive Office Referral Brianna Tolen, she is always ready and respectful. Emma Burke was the Positive Office Referral our last day before the break. She is kind to her classmates and follows the rules. Way to go Jay on being the first lucky Golden Ticket winner of the year!
12 months ago, Danielle Adkins
cav 2
There will be no school in the Jenkins Independent School District on Tuesday, January 2nd due to inclement weather.
12 months ago, Damian Johnson
No School Jan 2nd
Welcome Back! Just a reminder that school is back in session tomorrow, January 2, 2024. If you attend Burdine Campus we dismiss from the cafeteria at 7:50, so if you plan to eat breakfast get to school by 7:45 so you aren't counted tardy.
12 months ago, Danielle Adkins
welcome back
Kindergarten and 1st grade letters to Santa will be read today on 103.9 The Bulldog at 4:05.
about 1 year ago, Danielle Adkins
Say “hello” to two-way messaging and classroom announcements in the Jenkins app! With the addition of Rooms, our district app keeps getting better. Parents/ guardians be on the lookout for a text message with instructions to sign up and access new features.
about 1 year ago, Damian Johnson
Say “hello” to two-way messaging in the Jenkins app! The same district app now offers class streams, class announcements, and parent-teacher chat. Look for your personalized invitation to begin using this feature in our app very soon. Download for Android Download for iPhone
about 1 year ago, Damian Johnson
Congratulations to our Elementary Academic Team! 1st place in Quick Recall in the County Tournament!
about 1 year ago, Danielle Adkins
Toys with Santa!
about 1 year ago, Danielle Adkins
Burdine Student Council hard at work!
about 1 year ago, Danielle Adkins