Due to road construction between Burdine and Jenkins, our ESS buses will also be delayed.
11 months ago, Danielle Adkins
Jenkins Independent School will be on a 1 hour delay on Monday, January 29th. Stay tuned for updates pending changing weather conditions.
11 months ago, Damian Johnson
1 hour delay
Way to show that Cavalier Pride! C-A-V-S let's go Cavs!
11 months ago, Danielle Adkins
Pee Wee Basketball Signups have been extended until Friday, February 2nd. You can use the form below to sign up or come in the front office. The signup fee of $15 is due Friday, Feb 2nd. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfcBnwHOSsKBw085U_k8sZgH1M0TYgVSEdXd8U_5wBZ68CI3g/viewform
11 months ago, Danielle Adkins
We have missed our Cavaliers so much! We were all so glad to be back in person today! Congratulations to these students on earning Golden Tickets for going above and beyond today ! C-A-V-S Let's Go Cavs!
12 months ago, Danielle Adkins
All of our bus routes have been checked. Jenkins Independent Schools will be on a regular schedule tomorrow, Thursday, January 25th.
12 months ago, Damian Johnson
Regular Schedule
The 100th Day of School for is Tuesday, January 30th.
12 months ago, Danielle Adkins
Shoutout to Superintendent Johnson, Director of Technology Mr. Warf, and JMHS Principal Mr. Boggs for joining custodial staff to get the JMHS parking lot ready for staff and students. We are blessed with the best @ JIS!
12 months ago, Danielle Adkins
Due to hazardous secondary road conditions, Wednesday, January 24th will be NTI day #9 for Jenkins Independent Schools. Students should log into Google Classroom for assignments and join live meets per their regular schedule.
12 months ago, Damian Johnson
NTI Day #9
Due to hazardous secondary road conditions, Tuesday, January 23rd will be NTI day #8 for Jenkins Independent Schools. Students should log into Google Classroom for assignments and join live meets per their regular schedule.
12 months ago, Damian Johnson
NTI Day #8
Due to tomorrow being an NTI Day Pee Wee Basketball Signups have been rescheduled. When students return to school parents can come to the front office and sign up. Signups will close Friday, January 26th. If you cannot come in to sign up please complete the online form and send the money in with your child when they return to school. All money is due by Friday, January 26th so we can being organizing teams and ordering shirts. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfcBnwHOSsKBw085U_k8sZgH1M0TYgVSEdXd8U_5wBZ68CI3g/viewform?usp=sf_link
12 months ago, Danielle Adkins
sign ups
Due to hazardous secondary road conditions, Monday, January 22nd will be NTI day #7 for Jenkins Independent Schools. Students should log into Google Classroom for assignments and join live meets per their regular schedule.
12 months ago, Damian Johnson
NTI Day #7
Even though we have been out of in person school this week we have some students working very hard at home, so they have been rewarded a Positive Office Referral and will lead the Pledge of Allegiance and CAVS song when we return to school! Thank you Isaiah Whitaker and Carsen Watts for your hard work! C-A-V-S let's go Cavs!
12 months ago, Danielle Adkins
Pee Wee Basketball Signups scheduled for Monday, January 22nd If you can't make it in to sign up you can complete the form below and send the payment to school with your child next week. We look forward to getting this season going! #Swordsup https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfcBnwHOSsKBw085U_k8sZgH1M0TYgVSEdXd8U_5wBZ68CI3g/viewform?usp=sf_link
12 months ago, Danielle Adkins
Burdine Elementary will be selling these blankets. They would be great for cold football, softball, and baseball games! Cozy up and show your Cavalier Pride! Money is due Feb. 9th. If you would like to purchase one complete the form https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf1hlLkDvY-DFxuqfz0deFRuYCtKCS9n6fdnh-mBWoLhj-0_A/viewform?usp=sf_link
12 months ago, Danielle Adkins
Friday, January 19th will be NTI day #6 for Jenkins Independent Schools. Students should log into Google Classroom for assignments and join live meets per their regular schedule. Stay safe and warm!
12 months ago, Damian Johnson
NTI Day 6
Valentine's Day Dance @ Burdine Feb. 9th
12 months ago, Danielle Adkins
Thursday, January 18th will be NTI day #5 for Jenkins Independent Schools. Students should log into Google Classroom for assignments and join live meets per their regular schedule.
12 months ago, Damian Johnson
NTI Day #5
This Jenkins Independent School District will hold a public forum to discuss findings and recommendations of the Nutrition and Physical activity reports and seek public comment on Tuesday, January 23, 2024, 4:00 pm in the Jenkins Middle High School Cafeteria.
12 months ago, Amanda Anderson
Wednesday, January 17th will be NTI day #4 for Jenkins Independent Schools. Students should log into Google Classroom for assignments and join live meets per their regular schedule.
12 months ago, Damian Johnson
NTI Day 4