There will be no school tomorrow, Friday, March 1st, at Jenkins Independent Schools due to illness. Janitorial staff will be deep cleaning the buildings.
It was chilly out today, but staff and students were so excited to go outside and use the new playground. It was a great day at Jenkins Independent Schools! #buildingbackbetter
Congratulations Jaylyn Wigington on your positive office referral. Keep up the good work!
From the hallway to the classroom these Cavaliers have it going on! C-A-V-S! Let's go Cavs!
March 2nd Pee Wee Games @ JMHS
There will be no ESS today @ Burdine due to a teacher training session.
Come join us for Family Literacy Night! The Book Fair will be open as well!
Ready for Read Across America Week @ Burdine
Burdine News Feb. 26th-March 8th
There will be no school tomorrow in the Jenkins Independent School District. Tomorrow is a scheduled teacher professional development day.
Annabelle was one of the Positive Office Referrals this week @ Burdine. Mrs. Akers said she is always ready, responsible, and works very hard! Way to go Annabelle!
"In a world where you can be anything be kind."
These Cavaliers completed the Kindness Project sponsored by Save the Children! They kept a checklist of all the kindness activities they completed and returned it to school. Their activities took place at home and at school.
The past few weeks at Burdine we have been working on being bucket fillers and being kind school-wide. Check out these Cavaliers that were caught being kind! And shoutout too JMHS Art Department for this background!
CAVS have a Caring attitude, are Always ready, Very responsible, and show respect-Shoutout to these Golden Ticket winners for showing these characteristics today!
Save the Date! Spring Pictures @ Burdine will be Feb. 28th!
Preschool and Kindergarten Registration
Read Across America Week March 4th-8th
🔥 🏀 ❗️ Saturday, February 24 ❗️ 🏀 🔥
Happy Valentine's Day from Burdine! We had a great time celebrating today!