Jenkins Independent's plan for reopening school was approved at the July 28th Board of Education meeting. Three options will be offered for families to choose from:
Option 1: Remote Only – Remote Learning 5 Days a Week
Option 2: AB/Hybrid Model – In Person M & T or In Person Th & F AND Remote Learning 3 Days a Week
Option 3: In Person – In Person Instruction 4 Days a Week AND Remote Learning 1 Day (Wednesday)
District staff attempted to reach every household in the district to get their input for their preference of options. Results showed that we should strive to offer every option to meet the varying needs of our families.
In order to prepare for instruction and provide for the safety of our staff and students, the first day of school for students has been moved to August 31st.
The district's plan for reopening, including our safety, cleaning, and sanitizing procedures, have been reviewed and approved by the Letcher County Health Department. These procedures will be shared with the public at a later time.
These are our plans at this time and we will adhere to them if possible. We will closely monitor the situation and will make adjustments should the situation merit it.
Attached below is a detailed graphic that more clearly explains the procedures and expectations for each option.